Fenton Orange Tree Red Slag Ruffled Bowl
I never imagined that I would be able to acquire an authentic classic carnival beauty in red since its availability is scarce and commands a high price.
It was just pure gamble and instinct that led me to it. I saw it in an online store from Melbourne. The pictures were not so clear and it was taken indoors with poor lighting. But when I first saw it, instinct kicked in and told me to buy it without actually checking the item personally, which is a good way for me to buy glass. Although Melbourne is just an hour and half away drive from my place, I couldn't go and check it due to my shift work schedule. Plus, someone might see it and buy it. So I decided to buy it, hoping that I made a good decision. The worst case scenario would be that it was just pumpkin marigold.
After 10 days it arrived. I was like a kid opening my gift on Christmas day... lol.. There it was in front of my eyes...a real Fenton Orange Tree bowl in bloody red and the bonus part is that its base is in slag that glows orange-yellow when put under a UV Light.. lol!
I was so happy that after some time just ogling and drooling on pictures of red carnival beauties on the internet, now I can drool on a real one... lol... just sharing my sense of humor. Anyways even if it was just pumpkin marigold I would still be happy to have it. Cheers!
The Gio Sabino Lopez Collection