Imperial Ripple Purple Standard Size Vase

Imperial Ripple Purple Standard Size Vase


We have more Imperial Ripple vases than any other. There are four different sizes of Ripple vases.

  • The mini, 2 1/2" base.
  • The standard, 2 7/8" to 3 1/2".
  • The mid-size, which is considered the rarest 3 7/8" to 4"
  • The funeral, 4 3/4" base.

This one here is the very first purple, standard size 11" Ripple vase that we bought in July of 1997, one month into our collecting. Back then, the Lincoln Land Carnival Glass Club newsletter had a green sheet in the back where people could list glass for sale and this vase was listed there.

I had thought that this was a good one and over time, I found that to be true.

The Dick & Sherry Betker Collection
